Pepakura for Beginners | Making a Pokemon - Porygon

Today we build a paper Porygon from Pokemon! It's hot outside and I have to be near my computer for work today, so instead of traveling the real world to catch'em all, I'm just going to start making them! In order to make your own Pokemon at home, you'll need this site: You can download PDF versions of all the Pokemon that they have available and if you're in the mood for something a little more powerful, check out The software has a free and premium version. You shouldn't need the features of the premium one unless you plan to create your own models. From here, you just print the model, cut it out, fold it, and then glue it all together. This is a fun activity for kids, but it can be surprisingly relaxing for adults as well. There's something therapeutic about focusing on the little cuts and folds, as well as seeing the finished project. This particular build took about 45 minutes to complete. Try it out for yourselves and post pictures on our Facebook page! And if you would like to start your own gaming channel, check out our new YouTube SEO training program here:
via Pepakura for Beginners | Making a Pokemon - Porygon


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