Doom 4 News

First off, I’m sorry for jumping on the hype wagon, but I am so excited about the newest Doom game!

The trailers look awesome, reviews sound awesome, and I can’t wait to get my hands on this game.
Now, I don’t typically like first person shooters. I’m just not very good at them. Also, I don’t usually buy new release games. Doom is an exception.

I remember watching my dad play the original doom when I was a little kid, and being totally freaked out when I got to play it for the first time. But, after a few minutes, I was blasting demons like a pro. I think that’s the beauty of the original games, they were easy to pick up and offered a lot of pure satisfaction.

After reading Game Informer’s post today about their gameplay session, there were a few things that got me excited:

I love fast gameplay. The game looks frantic. It looks exciting. And I would bet that it would be a lot of fun to watch on stream.

PVP sounds really fun, being able to transform into a demon and wreak havoc on the enemy team – kind like in HOTS where you transform into the monstrosity or something. I think that making maps could be just as fun. Not to mention a constant flow of new maps and content to try out.

Weapon Mods – Maybe I’m just living under a rock out here in Utah, but I didn’t know that there were weapon mods for this thing! Not only that, but Bethesda seems to enjoy allowing mods for their games. In the review they talked about a shotgun turned grenade launcher. This allows for different styles of game play, which was also mentioned in the report. It seems like we will have all kinds of customization options and tools in this game. Something nonexistent in previous titles.
Not only will we have new options for shooting these critters, we also have some intense finishing moves – glory kills!

And finally, the thing that I’m most hyped about, fan service. We get the chain saw back, we get the frantic shooting and running around blowing stuff up back, all the things that I loved from the original games – and things that were sadly absent from Doom 3. Nostalgia is a big seller right now – just look at the new Star Wars movie breaking records in theaters, or all the games being remastered, like Diablo 2 and Final Fantasy IX – even the Sega Dreamcast is making a push to come back. We grew up playing these games and we want to relive those moments of excitement and discovery. We want things to be like we remembered them. And I think that this newest instalment of Doom is a step in that direction.

Well, folks. That’s the latest news on Doom 4 – currently available for pre-order online for $60, or you can pre-order it for $38.22 on G2A.  This is Triston, the nostalgic gamer, and I hope that you have enjoyed your time here in my little corner of the internet. Have a great day and I will see you in game!


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