Overwatch Gameplay Hanzo - my 13 kill killstreak

This is my second entry in the Overwatch Beta journal thingy. We're looking at a character named Hanzo. I like Hanzo. 

Personally, I love movement in video games. I realize that might sound weird, but being able to run, jump, climb up walls, and all that kind of stuff really just makes me happy. Maybe it's because I used to be such an avid snowboarder? Hanzo, for me, is just about perfect (I would die if he had the Widowmaker's grappling hook and the wall climb). 

He's a mid-range class cannon with a really helpful sensor shot that he can use to help teammates detect enemies within a small area. He's mobile and he packs a punch. That's probably why I was able to get such a high killstreak with him. 

If I were to get this game, Hanzo would, undoubtedly, be my primary character.

If you're interested in pre-ordering it, check out my G2A link here: https://www.g2a.com/r/tc_preorder

Might as well get a coupon, right?



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