Pokemon Sun and Moon - Gen 7 - Leaked!

Hi everyone and welcome back to my little corner of the internet. We have some Pokemon news for you today. There were two trademarks filed this morning by Nintendo for Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon. You can see the trademarks in the video. So, let’s take a closer look at this and I’m going to try to explain some of this. Little known fact about me, I used to work as a patent translator. I mostly worked in the Yogurt Cup industry, but it’s almost the same thing ^_^

We’re going to be looking at the Pokemon Sun trademark, but it is identical to the Pokemon Moon one.

Now, there are some rumors that this might not actually become a game. Nintendo owns several other trademarks that never actually became games – just look at Blizzard’s Titan. There is one little thing here that makes me lean more towards this being real, though. When you file for a trademark with the OHMI, you are asked to describe your product or service using one of the NICE definitions. These are general/blanket terms that cover a wide range of related products. So, for example, Category 9 covers the game itself, as well as the medium used to store and play the game. 16 covers printed material and writing utensils. These are you pens, notebooks, stickers, and the like. 28 covers your video game accessories and consoles. So, think Pokemon Moon Wii controllers, but it also covers card games – so more Pokemon cards. Now, 41 is a little bit longer and covers a lot more content. The parts that interest us, though, are where it grants protection for music, video, downloadable content, downloadable games, game rentals, and news publication, specifically mentioning card game events (Pokemon TCG tournaments!). So, why is this interesting? Well, #16 stands out for three reasons: first, they’re already planning and protecting a wide range of other products to go with the game; and second, because the trademark application comes with three of these categories, you have to pay extra for a fourth. But, this is Nintendo we’re talking about. They could easily pay a little extra and not be worried about it. And finally, because these actually come with logos. I personally think that some of these other “false” trademarks were made in order to prevent Pokemon clones from using their titles, like Pokemon Ash Gray.

Either way, we might know for sure as early as tomorrow, since that’s when out next Nintendo Direct is taking place, celebrating Pokemon’s 20th anniversary. There are links in the description below showing you where you can find it and watch it live. I’m hoping for an announcement about the Pokemon Go beta that’s supposed to start soon. There are rumors that Ingress, the company making the game, has a big announcement planned soon as well.

And that’s the information that we have available right now. As more comes out, I will be sure to share it with all of you. Don’t forget that we have a Facebook page, twitter, Instagram and even a website where we post all this stuff. Instagram and Facebook is usually where we post first because it’s fastest. Making a YouTube video takes forever. But, my name is Triston and this is my little corner of the internet. If you liked this post, you already know the drill. Have a good one and I will see you in game. Peace!

Catch Nintendo Direct live here: http://www.nintendo.com/nintendo-direct/02-26-2016/


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